The Missouri Alternative Education Network is committed to confronting racism in all its forms and work toward the goal of providing our membership with the resources to combat systemic racism in our society.
We stand in solidarity with the National Alternative Education Association and all who work toward systematic change in educational and societal institutions.
National Alternative Education Association’s Position on Anti-Racism, Diversity, and Inclusion
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” – Dr. Martin Luther King
The National Alternative Education Association (NAEA) denounces racism, harassment, and discrimination in any form. We acknowledge that ingrained and painful legacies of anti-black, anti-people of color prejudice and inequality have created conditions in which our students and colleagues working in our classrooms, schools, and communities may be traumatized, frustrated, saddened, and fearful. We commit to be a part of non-violent and peaceful change toward achieving equity in alternative education. Moving forward, we will refocus our efforts to promote and encourage an equity – focused, transformative method of alternative education. The belief statements below are foundational to our efforts:
- We believe in transformative alternative education to empower learners to see the social world differently and through an ethical and diversity lens.
- We believe to effect positive change in alternative education, we must focus on reforming alternative education statewide policies and practices.
- We believe in non-violent and peaceful approaches to change. We will use our voices to speak up when we witness injustice and work to change practices that are exclusive.
- We believe in confronting racism, valuing diversity and inclusion. We encourage education professionals, students, and communities to model compassion and respect, and to participate in peaceful, systemic change.
- We believe in equity-focused education where all students have access to the same resources and educational rigor and support diversity in gender, age, sex, race, class, religion, ethnicity, ability, language, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
- We believe in and will renew our commitment to working even harder for schools and communities to recognize the value and worth of all individuals.
- We believe in having courageous conversations about racism, equity-focused education, racial inequality, and cultivating leadership from racially minoritized communities, as these realities affect implementation of the NAEA Exemplary Practices.
- We believe that as educators we must support transformative educational research.
- We believe in providing meaningful professional learning opportunities, in accord with the NAEA mission, that include topics regarding social and racial injustices.